Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Help with Stress for an INFJ Empath

Ni (introverted intuition) is my dominant ability and needs to be in charge so I can think, process, solve problems, and maintain my normal balance in life. Since it is an introverted function, I can only use this ability when I am calm and being in a quiet place helps me focus intuitive abilities (Ni). Being alone allows others emotions to dissipate and puts me in touch with who I am and what I am feeling. If I am actively using my Se (Extroverted Sensing) ability, or my Fe (Extroverted Feeling) ability, then I must suppress (not use) my Ni ability and am therefore not in control of my life.

Se (extroverted sensing) allows me to pick up information and deal with the outside world. Fe (extroverted feeling) allows me to absorb the emotions of others. I can only use these my extroverted functions to provide information which my Dominate Intuitive ability uses to direct my thoughts and actions. I can use my introverted Ti and NI abilities together easily to analyze ideas and plan how meet my goals.

General Help
  1. Be alone - I need to be alone without sensory input (peace and quiet) to be able to truly access and use my Dominate Intuitive abilities; to think; to write; to recharge; to solve problems, to receive inspiration; to set priorities and goals; to dissipate others emotions through writing; to be in control of my life; to be at peace. Gives rest from over-use of subordinate functions (Se extroverted sensing and Fe extroverted feeling).
  2. Reduce Sensory Stimulation- (low noise, soft colors, soft clothes and furnishings, little smell, soft lights) especially in my home; also in whatever environment I am in such as church, shopping, socials, and traveling (Retreating and enjoying a hot bath in the evenings gives me some quiet time and helps me relax). Taking a break from technology can help relax.
  3. Set Boundaries - say NO; do not take on others responsibilities; notice the point when I am becoming stress and stop before I become irritable and exhausted; Only be out of my dominate ability (Ni) for short periods of time. Minimize Socially interactions (Fe) and busyness (Se).
  4. Seek Holy Ghost - to help and strengthen; to set priorities, plan, evaluate, follow through, and make changes; form of meditation and shielding
  5. Meditation - sit still and relax; breathe deeply; clears mind; do mindless activity; walk (or any other rhythmic activity); visualize positive (light, beauty); relax in tub and near water (calms empaths); listen to relaxing music and music; massage; dance to music; prayer, scripture study, and listening to Holy Ghost are forms of meditation; Yoga and Tai Chi can be forms of meditation;
  6. Shield - keep other’s emotions from coming in or let pass through; prayer can be a strong from of shielding; silk helps keep other’s vibes out ; being in water (tub or pool) helps remove unwanted energy;
  7. Nature - spend time in nature; take leisurely walks, notice small things; relax; be near plants; feel ground beneath feet; Nature calms by using sensing (Se) in a relaxing way; new scenery; beauty; frees from negative energy which may be lingering in buildings plus chemicals and electromagnetic radiation inside buildings;
  8. Avoid Negative Emotional Triggers- avoid very stressful  (negative, draining) people, places, or situations (rush hour, graphic news stories; horror, negative stories or movies; I am stressed by all the emotions at funerals and feel drained at cemeteries); used clothing or objects may carry negative energy to an empath; The distance needed to be from stressors is 60 feet
  9. Plan and Solve Problems- Make a plan on how I can to handle stress if I can’t avoid it. Allow quite alone time to use my introverted intuitive and thinking abilities ( Ni,Ti ) to work out how I can reach my goals and before make decisions; solve problems by focusing on one problem at a time; change myself or perspective of situation when needed; change situation when can through better planning; eliminate and delegate when appropriate; see help when needed;
  10. Nourish Positive Relationships - Relate with positive people; do not completely withdraw
  11. Accept Self and Be Self - ignore others judgement, expectations, and advice; Use my dominant introverted intuitive (Ni) ability to solve problems; depend on myself to be happy, not on other's approval or appreciation; accept that others may not understand or even value my abilities and perspective of life; Center - set and review my values and goals frequently; receive information, analyze, decide, then act don't react; accept both own strengths and weaknesses; lovingly and patiently work on changing weaknesses and seek help especially of Holy Ghost;
  12. Notice - my own feelings, needs, and emotions; let go all emotions that belong to other people; discover mine through writing or talking; use Ni (introverted intuitive) ability to disassociate from others feelings;
  13. Allow others to be responsible-  for their own lives; Do not try to "help" or take care of them and deprive them of the growth they need;
  14. Nurture self physically - Eat healthy food in a relaxed environment (offering a blessing on it before eat give more positive energy; organic foods have fewer stress producing chemicals), drink plenty of water (filtered less stressful) , rest when tired, get lots of rest, sleep in dark (more production of melatonin so sleep more sound); move every 15 minutes; get plenty of fresh air; breathe deeply (when stressed people tend to breathe shallowly); avoid electromagnetic (close to microwaves, cell phones - I use the speaker option); avoid chemical fumes (air new furniture out before bring in home, use natural cleaners); wear comfortable clothes (natural fibers often are more relaxing); positive use of Se (extroverted sensing);
  15. Exercise- yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong; walk especially in nature; hike; exercise will cleanse, strengthen, and ground; releases stress by using up stress hormones; exercise also releases endorphins which lifts mood; uses Se (extroverted sensing in positive pay)
  16. Set example and step back from others; allow them to live own lives (of course use judgement if the person is in danger or a young child)
  17. Pray for help for self and others; then let it go if there is nothing I can do; is a form of shielding; seek Holy Ghost to protect and direct life;
  18. Engage in humor daily - funny videos, stories, look for funny side of life; cartoons; stimulates production of positive mood lifting nerotransmitters; uses Fe (extroverted feeling) in positive nourishing way; Ni (introverted intuitives) can be be very serious people since we see the purpose of life and the consequences of actions; humor helps to provide relaxation and a positive perspective
  19. Enjoy the good- stop and enjoy the moment, and the beauty in life
  20. Be creative- write, art, music, design, create; do things that energize you; develop talents
  21. Keep a journal - poems; expressing feelings (Fe) helps introverted intuition (Ni ) process (understand and deal with) feelings; can also help to express feelings to a close friend; it is important to release negative emotions before they cause exhaustion; can help solve problems and give perspective;
  22. Be around children - enjoy their faith, enthusiasm, love, openness, spirit of discovery, but only for short periods of time so I don't become tired and grouchy
  23. Gratitude - remind me of how loved I am. Helps me feel, safe, relaxed, and hopeful about life; helps me focus on what I have instead of what I lack; helps me keep a positive perspective; keeps my focus on what is really important; builds relationships with people and with God;
  24. Focus on positive - in people and around me; focus on what’s important; set good goals; Focus on things and people that I have the capacity to help; Focus on good memories and relationships; on upbeat stories and shows; art, music; focus on what I can do; be especially careful what watch right before bed for it may disturb sleep; choose to be happy and optimistic;
  25. Keep engaged - doing positive things; keep mind on positive things and not dwell on past wrongs or future fears; serve others; don't ruminate; take positive action; serving develops abilities and heals spirit;
  26. Nourish Spirit - ponder scripture; sincerely pray and listen; have faith;
  27. Be in Dominate Ni (introverted intuition) mode much of day - at least 4 hours alone in quiet to think and process data (this is what I need)
  28. Realistically evaluate my needs and not extrovert more than can process; do not overcommit
  29. Simplify home and life; do as little Se (extroverted sensing as possible); peaceful, calm, eliminate all that does not add to your life; keep all in order (will be relaxing) evaluate amount of online socializing; make time for what is most important to you; Feng shui decorating principles may help;
  30. Time Management - focus on one thing; work at a comfortable pace; reduce obligations; use routines to minimize energy expenditure out of dominant introverted intuitive mode (creating in my mind); get up slowly in the mornings (allow time for this) and go to bed slowly in the evenings; don't rush and push self; keep in charge of time spent engaged in electronic media so that you are not diverted from your goals;
  31. Relaxing Environment - not cluttered, peaceful colors, quiet, organized, simple
  32. Follow what know is right - must live true to my Ni and Fe beliefs and that inner vision of right that I have; follow inspiration;
  33. Learn new things; grow - take time to think and study; read about new things; I have an amazing ability to learn; use it!
  34. Do light problem solving - use my introverted Thinking abilities (Ti) to do puzzles, solve mystery stories, and rearrange home
  35. Talk With a Trusted Friend - can be a family member; allows Ni (introverted intuition) to hear and process Fe (extroverted feeling) emotions and concerns;

36. Have a Healthy Sensory Hobby - uses Se in a relaxing way; hiking, decorating, dance, travel, garden, build, cook, etc.

37. Have Confidence in Your Intuitive Ability - trust own Ni (introverted intuitive) ability to solve problems; you are good at getting and analyzing the whole picture; don't blindly follow others advice

38. Connect with Other Empaths - there are groups online; take care that they are positive people; I personally don't do this one; extreme care has to be exercised in connecting with people online; could be an option if you are feeling very lonely; I find a understanding closeness in reading positive books for most of these people are NF (intuitive feeling) and likely empaths

39. Seek Counseling - if needed seek professional help; remember that many counselors are also INFJ's

see- Storm, Susan (2016-12-17). Tranquility by Type: Stress Relief Tips for Your Unique Personality Type (Kindle Locations 295-296). Psychology Junkie. Kindle Edition. 

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