Thursday, July 16, 2020

Things we can do to develop our abilities

Here are some things we can do to develop those abilities which are not as natural for us - our weaker abilities.

Developing Intuition
  • Look to the Future
  • Try the Arts - study, sample different mediums, design
  • Kindle the Spiritual- religion, seek meaning in life
  • Study - learn about new things, research new ideas
  • Engage in Problem Solving
  • Brainstorm
  • Try Creative Writing
  • Read Fiction
  • Travel and learn about other Cultures
  • Do some Long Range Planning
  • Think about Possibilities

Saturday, May 16, 2020

What do you do when your aging parent is narcissistic?

I've spent most of my adult life trying to get away from my abusive parents. Though my father died almost twenty years ago, my mother is still living. Now, the day I have feared for so many years has finally arrived. My step-father has died leaving only me to care for my ninety year old, relatively healthy and definately mentally sharp, mother. 

Though it sounds normal and responsible for the only daughter to care for her aging mother, what responsibility do I have to a person who has been emotionally abusing me my entire life?  Seventy years has seemed like an eternity as I have endured the pain my mother has inflicted. For the last couple of years I have stepped back, and my health has begun to improve as I have been relieved from the stress of having to deal with her. 

I have dreaded this day and hoped that she would die before her husband, or that someone else would step forward to deal with her, but there is no one else. There isn't any other relative to help. The people she knew have died, and she never had any friends. There is no one but me. I've been struggling with the urge to just run as far away and as fast as I can, but being a very loving, responsible INFJ (introverted intuitive feeling judging) person, I decided instead to do the "right thing".

Monday, April 27, 2020

Poems about my INFJ sense of mission

A Candle
by Cheryl Merrick

Most flames join
the blazing hearth fire 
adding to 
its merry warmth,

But a few choose 

solitary candlesticks
bringing light to even
the darkest night.

A Poet's Longing
by Cheryl Merrick

In a quiet room with a comfy chair
and large windows overlooking the world,
I found my poet's heart.

Within is a craving to experience 

the hours of intense focus,
and the exquisite beauty 
in the flashes of inspiration 
which connect me to the divine.

Recentering as an INFJ

Once again I was burnt out and unhappy. As an INFJ (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging) this happens to me frequently. At these times, I pull back into my mind so I can regain my center; a sense of who I really am. 

As I read and pondered, I was reminded that as an INFJ, I am one of the two personality types (INFP Introverted Intuition Feeling Perceptive is the other) who use intuition and feeling as a way to deal with life.  This really is a different way to live. Like other introverted intuitive types, we spend a lot of time in the world of thought, but combined with Feeling this world becomes extra special. It is the world of imagination, of creativity, and of the spirit. We are roses in the cornfield. We are lights shining in the darkness. 

We are also considered a bit weird, which as an INFJ, I can't deny.