Facilitator Caretaker, The Provider, Hosts and Hostesses of the World; Traditionalist, Stabilizer, Consolidator; uses extroverted feeling to deal with the world supported by introverted sensing
goals provide/ensure physical needs of others are met; comfort of others, help others
Talents supportive of others, social, warm, caring, friendly, emphatic, patient, steady, common sense, clear-eyed realism, love of life, know how to listen, laugh, forgive, and bringing out the best in
others, super dependable leader, decisive, reliable, through, accurate, orderly, tactful, sympathetic, nurturer, loyal, practical, conventional, traditional, interested in possessions (have many); enjoy being host at festive occasions, maintain harmonious relationships (may avoid conflict); help others; help people to work together to build family/business (value everyone's opinions); like lots of interaction; business like family;
In Business are 38% of all managers; gives stability to organization (enjoys seeing that supplies, personnel, and orderly, productive, settled way of conducting business is there, make him feel most useful providing stability and must do each day to “earn his keep”); product oriented (meets set standards); abilities lie is establishing policies, rules, schedules, routines, regulations, utilization (materials), and hierarchy; setting up lines of communication (excellent at data flow upward and downward so all keep informed) and at following through; values policies, contracts, and standard operating procedures; creates friendly harmonious relations; personal approach; wants and needs company traditions (ceremonies, parties, etc. give a sense of belonging); wants to keep busy discharging his duty; hard steady worker, has good idea of how long a task will take; weighs consequences- practical effect of the decision; wants things clear and settled; wants well-ordered agenda in well run efficient meetings; likes to be briefed to the last detail; well organized and able to remember and use facts
Wants in his workers - colleagues to get to the point and stick to the point; want facts, likes stable, sensible, reliable people; admires industrious hard workers, good common sense, being on time and on schedule; wants procedures and policies followed (may call to their attention in front of others)
How to approach-
believes in team play, participative management (team helps make decisions), matrix management, quality circles, mentoring; giving people many chances (believes in people; may have trouble disciplining and firing; making unpopular decisions; doesn’t do politics- has sincere concern); listens with concern to problems but may have difficulty keeping confidantes; can be persuasive and motivational to others
How to Relate to as your Boss
1. Be prepared to stop and chat- wants to know employees as people
help them to be physically comfortable (chair, offer food etc.); may like a warm handshake and smile; do not pressure or hurry;
2. Be willing share personal life data (but nothing you don’t want everyone to know)- needs to trust you as a person to work with you;
be friendly and likable; give them your full attention and show interest in them as a person; they enjoy revealing self so do ask personal questions (shows you care; be prepared to also reveal yourself); be positive not critical;
3. Expect Lots of Meetings- likes to have their people around them as much as possible (be supportive during meeting)
4. Do not lie or break a confidence (they might)
5. Readily Admit Errors and Mistakes- they love to forgive (will allow you to make mistakes )
6. Share Credit - shows you value your teammates and are a good team player
7. Refer to your boss as your friend, colleague, mentor etc; may like to be called by 1st name (but always treat as The Boss)
8. Never challenge his authority in from of others- Always respect his authority; do not confront or challenge (hates!) And is very stressful to them, will be taken personally- discuss and ask his help; may need help in defining his own job responsibilities or will take on too much; difficult problems may need to be presented gently (over lunch is good) since he may avoid them; problem solving is a matter of finding consensus with colleagues; natural networkers; likes to brainstorm solutions; needs to show a united front to people (do not show disharmony in front of others; keep differences of opinion just between you both; if loses respect of others may also lose self respect); present first what can agree with; keep discussion unemotional and on how the solution to the problem will help others; do not hurt his feelings he will then focus on the feeling not the solution, relationships come first and must be saved; win-win solutions; allow him to share credit for solution - allows him to save face; stress advantages, facts, and goals in people terms (how helps people); show concrete evidence (facts) on how program etc, has helped other people; quote precedent (concrete examples); present new ideas a little at a time (encourage them to discuss thoughts and feelings; allow time to make decisions); give all the facts when they want them and all the reasons this will be helpful; state the need you see, offer ideas, and solicit their advice (allow them to help you, do not push them to accept your decision, “Im concerned about this”, “I’m having trouble with this” “I have a few ideas”, “What do you think?”);
9. Do not expect quick decisions - give time to discuss; best if can do group proposal (you are just leading the group); needs consenual validation from others before can announce decision
10. Relax and enjoy socials - validates their leadership ability; likes to discuss ideas and proposals over lunch etc. (social environment);
Possible weakness as a Manager -
very sensitive to criticism; stressed by tension;
may resist change; may not even notice new things; over stabilization may lead to too much bureaucracy, immobilization; no change; can find that he has allowed personnel and materiel to expand and consume available resources without a clear picture of the expected results; needs to examine effect of procedures of his organization to eliminate operations that have long been without worth but are continued); may transmit an attitude of fatigue and worry which can affect others; may reward only the most productive and fail to notice minor contributions of others (takes strengths for granted; feels there is no need for praise when people are just doing their duty, verbal praise may be difficult to do but awards ok; people must earn praise, only most worthy rewarded or believe productivity go down and people will be less productive- needs to give appreciation for all achievements); impatient when projects delayed; may make decisions too quickly; may become more negative as becomes more stressed and overtired; may be highly competitive, as he pursues the perfect organization he may over stress and tire himself; he may not want to deal with what does not fit their ideas and feels it is disloyal to discuss problems, may want to take charge and get things “back in control”;
Energized by contact with people (think best by talking with others); work in friendly environment where can talk (restless when isolated); sense of belonging, helping others; living by feeling values
Like home and family (center of universe); likes to create atmosphere in home- color and pattern, theme, romantic ideal; people and things (not ideas and principles); decisions based on usefulness of things and people; organized information especially about people; order; schedules (even relaxation after work is done); rules and regulations (make them, follow, and respect them); duty; routines (upset if disrupted); like decided and settled; strong values (should and shouldn’t); traditions and celebrations (hurt if not remembered); concrete not abstract (not analysis of the complex such as explanation of events through an analysis of principles);
Like in a Job - like jobs with strong structure that help people and can made decisions based on their values; allows to establish warm relationships; practical benefits for people; allows time to learn skills before need to use them; allows me to help others work harmoniously toward goal; free from conflicts; has clear expectations and evaluations; has high standards; allows me to make sure projects are done to my specifications; plenty of people interaction; be a part of the decision-making process; allows me to organize the work (mine and others) to make things run smoothly and efficiently; appreciation is shown for my accomplishments, approval and support given; chain of command is clear and respected; - service occupations (in order of preference) - Health Care (nursing ), Education (Elementary, coach, special ed), Social Service/Counseling (clergy, counselor), Business (office manager, business owner, sales representative, supervision, administration), Sales Service- (Real Estate agent, host, caterer, travel sales) but impersonal jobs especially those which require theory and speculation such as consulting and especially investment brokering can be particularly stressful)
Self-image- defined by responsibilities and roles of their relationships (father, husband, teacher); based on being seen as dependable, beneficent (volunteer even when busy), respectable, need to be needed, loved and abundantly appreciated, can become discouraged without praise and expression of appreciation; can be crushed by personal criticism (wear hearts on sleeves); need approval; need their service appreciated (have trouble expressing own needs); difficult for male to be feeling type; role clarity is important; must develop sensing perception (sensing) to supply realistic knowledge and as basis of decisions and not jump to conclusions otherwise can become opinionated and rigid;; they will also find it difficult to deal with the unexpected which will cause stress, the may attempt to ignore, or eliminate all that isn’t planned; if they do not have enough introverted sensing ability they will only be unable to see disagreeable facts as disapproval and personal criticism and become defensive; the more they are in touch with others the less aware they may be of their own feelings
When stressed- may be short tempered, sullen and quiet; poor listener; withdraws from people (& social events), focus on self not serving others; insomnia; daytime fatigue, late to work
When stressed Tends to overlook disagreeable facts (not fit ideals) and not seek solution to problem; tend to lose sight of own viewpoint as attempts to meet other’s expectations (when partnered with strong TJ may not express any preferences) ; tend to spend a great deal of time in meetings (talking out thoughts); tend to become very depressed and take blame for whatever is wrong in relationships and business; anticipate worst and worry; may over eat or drink (punish self);
Support when stressed -
listen and allow to talk out; give balance of rational perspective; encourage physical exercise; reinforce their positive qualities; keep them company;
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