Friday, May 25, 2018

The Intuitive Empath

An Empath is a person who feels and understands the thoughts, emotions, and energy of others. Intuitive Empaths are often:
Claircognizant or clear knowing
Clairsentience- clear feeling; picks up others emotions; feel of a place, people or animals; may have some feeling of how others are doing even at distances
Clairvoyance - sees images in mind; daydreams, uses metaphors, "I see" concepts in mind

Here are some descriptive comments about Intuitive Empaths:
are a constant thinker, and learner
ability to combine feeling and intuition
somehow knows what needs to be done
see a purpose and pattern to life instead of just a string of "coincidences".
are receptive to input from outside of themselves: receptive to spirit, to revelation, insights, ideas, sudden new thoughts; see images in mind; daydream

have a keen sense of knowing what they feel from the spirit
highly developed spiritual, mental, emotional, and energetic sensitivities
have subtle gift of power which they transmit through their writing
are able to put their visions into words; to provide inspiration, therapeutic help for others; often uses metaphors to express ideas;
writing allows others emotions to dissipate and maintain emotional perspective and own identity
are extremely analytical; weighs pros and cons; can plan steps to reach change
good at understanding and interpreting intuitive input
are good at creative problem solving concerning people; goal oriented
is a conscious creator especially of ideas
able to absorb others feeling so they can understand these feelings and know how to help that person, to provide inspiration, and to give therapeutic help
good at understanding abstract concepts; can easily access situation
good at reading body language
have ability to discern if people are telling the truth, or if a situation is safe
able to judge what is good and bad
often have feelings on how things are going to turn out
usually right in their predictions and judgements
sensitive to the energy around them; whether positive or negative
become overwhelmed in crowds (sensory overload) due to too much input of emotions and energy
ideal counselor: connects soul to soul; attracts others; gives support to others; good listener, puts others first, enjoys helping people, compassionate, understanding, makes deep connections and avoids disagreements, warm, harmonizes, devises individual pattern for each person
gifted at helping others understand their own feelings, why they are feeling what they are, their thoughts, worries, emotions, and dreams
can put into words what others cannot say
able to combine feeling and intuition to predict behavior
is able to differentiate his own feelings from the feeling of others
more in tune with their own inner self than other empaths
often introverted
better control over how others can affect them than other empaths because of ability to analyze and verbalize emotional input

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