An Empath is a person who feels and understands the thoughts, emotions, and energy of others. Intuitive Empaths are often:
Claircognizant or clear knowing
Clairsentience- clear feeling; picks up others emotions; feel of a place, people or animals; may have some feeling of how others are doing even at distances
Clairvoyance - sees images in mind; daydreams, uses metaphors, "I see" concepts in mind
Here are some descriptive comments about Intuitive Empaths:
are a constant thinker, and learner
ability to combine feeling and intuition
somehow knows what needs to be done
see a purpose and pattern to life instead of just a string of "coincidences".
are receptive to input from outside of themselves: receptive to spirit, to revelation, insights, ideas, sudden new thoughts; see images in mind; daydream