Sunday, October 22, 2017

ESFP - Enjoying Life!

by a desire to freely enjoy life and amuse self- to be happy and satisfied
want to make a difference and do something meaningful
to help other people enjoy life too - find what things they need and things to do in the real world to increase their enjoyment of life; entertain them; motivate them to action
excited about the real world and want to engage others into enjoying it too
to have a wide variety of experiences
keep options open
to escape anxiety (fear about what might happen)

warm, charming, witty, friendly, genuine caring, generous, willing to help, lively, vivacious, eager, spontaneous, resilient, cheerful, practical, productive, free-spirited, fun-loving, energetic, animated, approachable, sensitive, idealistic (freedom), actively engage in life,  honestly want others to be happy, sense of style (like arts) flare,  love to learn, up and positive, observant,

Thrive on
social interaction
joyful living
challenge of the unknown - variety, what is happening at the moment
freedom to experience the world around them- most important
being outside- physical

How they work
want to get things done now - not talk, analyze or plan it to death
like several projects going at once and work at them as feel like
accomplished achievers
generalists who do many things well- multi-talented; easily pick up skills
get needed information to achieve goal quickly, then take action to achieve goal ( not talk or plan more)
talent for presenting information in a way that gets others excited and involved
accomplish something then move on to the next thing
good at pulling things off at the last minute - crisis situations - act in moment
hate repetitive tasks

get moving and enjoy life - enthusiastic about sensation and experience
instead of roadblocks and problems -see challenges
hate anything (even small things ) which restricts their freedom to respond to the real world at the moment (practicing, schedules, rules, regulations, authority)
need new input; challenges in environment - bore easily; fear boredom
most extroverted type - everything invigorating
believe that everything can turn out ok if take action (get moving)
a person is not what they think, but what they do - sum of their actions
strong inner passions
look for good in situation, in people - compliment
look at life's possibilities - what can learn about a person and how I can help
believe in moderation and balance
grounded views - can see things fairly quickly
withdraw and become depressed if life become difficult
not want to follow others - want freedom to do what I want to do when I want to do it
respect those who do a good job
I want to do my best

heart to heart
see people for who they are
perceptive, pick up non-verbal - may misinterpret it
people open up and relate easily to them
adapt to others wishes and try to make their lives easier and happier - want to give them the freedom      they value themselves
love to talk to people, make friends
offended by impersonal and harsh
make jokes or change topic when things getting too serious and "heavy"

are about caring and sharing experiences and having fun together
generous with their time and possessions
make effort to get involved - don't want to be left out
try to see other's point of view
enormous desire to help and sensitive to the pain and suffering of others
often wind up as the center of attention
don't like being taken advantage of
ask questions, make immediate suggestions, give genuine response
like having fun and doing things together
don't like dealing with relationship issues in impersonal, abstract way - prefer relating personally
     in deep caring relationships can be very loyal
make best of poor relationships for a long time; if not change will leave and start anew
like affection and show real feelings and visible gestures of caring

Famous ESFP's
JFK, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, "Auntie Mame", Robin Williams, Liza Minnelli, Leonard Bernstein, Elton John, Noel Coward, Will Smith, Mel Gibson,

1. Dominate - Extroverted Sensing
2. Auxiliary - Introverted Feeling
3. Tertiary - Extroverted Thinking
4. Inferior - Introverted Intuition (repress)

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